With RvTravelCentral, we want to provide our owners and guests with the best possible RV experience. We know that this cannot be achieved without proper safety measures in place. Much like you, we are monitoring COVID-19. This is why we wanted to provide you with tips to keep your RV properly sanitized as an owner.
We are very happy to see that many of our owners are continuing to book their RVs to guests on RvTravelCentral. We know that the length of the booking varies. These are some important guidelines for cleaning your RV which makes your RV rental process easy. Your RV may be on a quick getaway, or it is being offered to medical front-line workers or family members that need to self-isolate and stay close. No matter the length of the stay and who is staying in your RV, we advise all of our RV owners to revisit their cleaning process as it is very important to adhere to best practices to ensure everyone remains safe.
We recommend learning more about COVID-19 and the proper guidance on cleaning and disinfection from a credible source such as the Public Health Agency of Canada Guidelines. They provide the latest news and information directly related to COVID-19.
We all need to do our part in helping to prevent the spread of COVID-19 so let’s jump in and learn more.
How To Properly Clean Your RV
We know that cleanliness has always been top of mind for our owners and guests. But now it is even more critical as we all aim to reduce the spread of infection. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, it’s possible for someone to contract COVID-19 by touching a surface frequently touched with hands are most likely to be contaminated. These include doorknobs, handrails, light switches, cabinet handles, faucet handles, tables, countertops, and electronics. That’s why it’s essential to clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces often, especially between reservations.
Note: Based on the Public Health Agency of Canada’s recommendations, we advise waiting 24 hours after each guest’s stay to begin cleaning.
Using the Public Health Agency of Canada’s guidelines, we recommend following this 10-step cleaning and disinfecting guideline (also if you work with a cleaning professional to clean your RV ensure that you instruct them to use this list as well):
- Ventilate your RV before you clean it. We encourage you to allow fresh air to circulate for at least 20 minutes. If possible, leave all doors and windows open during the entire cleaning process.
- Wash your hands before and after each cleaning. Use soap and water, and wash for at least 20 seconds. If that’s not possible, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Learn more about proper handwashing.
- Clean your RV, then disinfect. Clean dirty surfaces with soap and water prior to disinfecting. Use detergent or soap and water to remove dirt, grease, dust, and germs. Once the surface is clean, spray with a disinfectant. Let it stand for a few minutes, then wipe—and if you’re not using paper towels or disposable wipes, it’s best to use a new cleaning cloth for each guest.
- Use the right disinfectant. To disinfect, you can use diluted bleach solutions, alcohol-based products with 70% alcohol, or other approved hard disinfectants for hard surfaces. We recommend paying special attention to frequently touched surfaces, like light switches, doorknobs, remote controls, and faucet handles.
- Don’t forget about sofa cushions, rugs, drapes, and other soft, porous surfaces. Carefully remove any visible dirt or grime, then clean with the appropriate cleaners indicated for use on these surfaces. If it is possible, machine-wash items according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Wash all items using the warmest water possible based on the care instructions.)
- Wear disposable gloves while you clean. Gloves should be thrown out after each cleaning. And make sure to wash your hands immediately after gloves are removed.
- Don’t reuse microfiber cloths, mops, and sponges when cleaning your space for a new guest. Consider stocking up on supplies that you can throw away after each cleaning. If you prefer to clean your RV with reusable products, make sure to machine-wash them at the highest heat setting that’s appropriate for the material.
- Wash all linens at the highest heat setting recommended by the manufacturer. That includes bedsheets, mattress covers, hand and bath towels, kitchen towels, and blankets in your RV. Remember to wear gloves when handling dirty laundry.
- Clean and disinfect laundry baskets and hampers. If possible, consider using a liner that is either disposable or that you can throw into the washing machine.
- Empty the vacuum cleaner after every cleaning. You should wipe down the vacuum cleaner with disinfectant, along with appliances like your washing machine.
Guests will want to know about all of the additional steps you’re taking to reduce the spread of COVID-19. This is why you should list this in your description for your RV. Please keep in mind that you can say things like you are “taking extra care to disinfect” your RV. Do not use claims like “our RV is COVID-free.”
We really hope that you found this helpful and please feel free to reach out to us if you have any further questions about your listing. We will continue to update you as time goes on and the situation evolves. Stay happy, healthy and we are wishing all of our members the best during this difficult time!